Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So this is where we stand.....

After the Dr did the u/s the other day we talked about what our next step should be. He said we had done everything we were supposed to but he felt that all our m/c are because of poor egg quality. He didn't think there was anything we could do to have a successful pregnancy using my own eggs.

He has 2 studies that he is running right now where we could "adopt" one of the frosties that have been donated or we could use donor eggs from his other study. Either way it would be a reduced rate. Basically just paying for the meds but still 4000-6ooo to try it.

I am torn.

If my eggs are total crap then at least if I used donor eggs I would have a better chance of having a baby that is at least Dave's DNA.

On the other hand I have spent my entire life raising other people's kids. All I wanted was to have my OWN bleach blond, skinned knee, snarky, biological child...with the left ear sticking out just like everyone else in my family has. Apparently that WAS too much to ask for.

And what if we spend the money to try and it fails? I would feel like I was robbed.

I found that CoQ10 is supposed to help with egg quality. I think I will try that first to see if it really does help. I don't think I'm ready to give up but I also don't think I'm ready for the next step.

I feel like I am offically grasping for straws now.....

Click on the link below to have a laugh at me and my co-workers. It's definately helped take my mind off the crapfest.




gerry said...

I don't know you and happened upon your blog-my friends daughter used a donor egg and then went on to have two more beautiful girls with her own eggs-good luck.

Sharpiegirl said...

Thank you Gerry......I needed to hear that.

marilyn said...

I love your sense of humor and honesty. Sounds like you are going through a lot. I look forward to hearing about your journey. I wish you all the luck. I am going through my first IVF cycle, it has been bery trying. I went through my first saline sonogram today. It was not fun. Infertility is such a difficult issue. I am here to support you any time.

Lisa DG said...

I ended up using donor eggs after 6 long, painful years and a baby loss thrown in. I'm 42 now. My only regret was waiting. when you are holding YOUR baby, it just doesn't matter. feel free to email me if you need support or have questions. you won't see much on my blog about DE as I have been quite discreet.
Good luck- my heart goes out to you. I also have some left over drugs from my cycle...