Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's a VERY Happy Thanksgiving!

I wasn't sure yesterday I just had a wave of m/s about 4 am but it was enough to get my attention and make a trip to the store. I had another touch of m/s again this morning about the same time (4 am is going to be my favorite time of day I guess) so I tested. YAY! HAPPY FREAKIN THANKSGIVING TO US!!!! WE HAVE 2 LINES! At 9 days past ovulation. HOT DAMN! It's still pretty faint but it's definately there. The m/s is a new thing for me, ESPECIALLY this early. I didn't have much with the others. Now if this one actually makes it any further than the others remains to be seen but I can't help but be a little excited! I'm not going to hold my breath for the next 8 months and I'm sure the past losses will give me minor freakouts in the coming weeks but I'm so excited. I'm going to be grateful and thankful for every minute I get to spend with this little one.

We have so much to be thankful for. The boy is doing so much better than he was 6 long months ago. He regularly gives me hugs and says "I love you". Awww... The challenges of the past year I think has made Dave and I so much stronger. Man we've been through some crap! Fortunately when stuff comes up we do a really good job of talking about it and turning towards each other for support.


mia said...

I am so happy for you and I completely understand your trepidation...

Sharpiegirl said...

THANK YOU! I hope you are having a good (Amercian) Thanksgiving. Need some turkey? I have TONS of leftovers! LOL