Everyone that is working on your "case" has to ask you what you are there for so I had to tell literally 10 different people I was there for a d&c. Eight of these were women and I was kind of surprised that all but 1 had suffered more than 1 m/c. One turned to adoption and the rest went on to have more than 1 successful pregnancy.
My favorite Nurse, Dot, from Dr W's office came and hung out with me before surgery. I need to get her a nice card and gift for being so great. It really helped having her there. Dave would have been stressing over work since they are shorthanded and working on a big project so I told him to go to work then try to get away early to pick me up. It just seemed silly to make him sit around while I'm asleep when he really needed to be at work. I'm so used to doing things alone it wasn't a big deal to me. And just like most men he's not so comfortable dealing with "female stuff".
I had more cramping/pain on one side after the surgery so I was really grateful for those pain meds. But just like lasts time by the time I got home the bleeding was almost non existent. That really helps me mentally.
Since I had to wait a little while for Dave to get there they put me in recovery 3 which is where they put patients that are waiting on a room. I must say I recommend this if you can request it DO. The nurses were nicer than the outpaient recovery nurses I had last year. I had a comfortable bed that adjusted itself every time I moved. I had a TV which we all were glued to because of the shooting at Ft Hood and my nurse Fran made sure I had warm blankets, snacks and something to drink handy at all times.
Mentally I'm doing much better than I thought I would. I think it helped waiting a few days. It gave both of us a little time to process it. The night before surgery Dave spent a long time laying with his head on my chest and his hand on my belly saying goodbye to the little one. It was pretty heartbreaking but I think it helped me more than anything he could have said.
With our first loss it took me a really long time to get over it. Now I feel ready to move on and try again really soon. Maybe third time is the charm.
I'm glad you had a better experience this time~crossing my fingers for you...
I hope you are doing better. You are in my thoughts. I am so sorry for your loss. I agree, the first time is the hardest loss, but the second does ultimately hit, it just hits a little later for some strange reason
Here from LFCA.
Sending you love and light.
Carla, I am sorry for your loss.
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