Monday, October 26, 2009


I have the crud.
I really want to take a large dose of NyQuil and sleep but I can't. I think that is going to be my least favorite thing about being pregnant...not being able to take much when you are sick.
So I'm watching my temp (staying around 98 and 99), taking tylenol and Robitussin from the "approved" list every 4 or 5 hours and trying to drink lots of fluids. Poor Dave. I'm sure I kept him awake with my tossing, turning and trying to breath all night long. I was going to go to work but he convinced me to stay home and rest. I'm glad he did.


mia said...

Take care of your self~you'll get thru this!

Sharpiegirl said...

I found out when I got to work yesterday that a rep I've been working with for the last week is out with the Swine Flu. Great....
I'm still feeling crummy but the fever has stayed low and everything else seems to be slowly going away.