Tuesday, May 10, 2011


HR chick summoned me to her office yesterday afternoon.

Apparently Belcher ran straight to her office after I spoke with her the second time. She did her best to make me out to be the bad guy. Of Course. That is what she has done for the last 3 years. Every chance she gets.

Shocking part is that HR APOLOGIZED TO ME on behalf of the company. And told me all about her conversation with Belcher and how she set her straight on WHY what she did was WRONG.

I am still the most hated person in the building but at least I can breath. And get some work done.


Rebecca said...

Wow. I'm glad HR saw the situation accurately despite what Belcher said and that they apologized. What a witch!!

I'm so sorry you have to work in that environment every day. Since people like that rarely get a clue (even when someone is direct and straightforward with them, like you were), is it possible that you can bring earbuds to work and play some tunes to drown her out the next time she comes over to your area to be obnoxious?

Big hugs, and thinking of you.

AnotherDreamer said...

Jeezus, I want to punch that chick for you. For serious. I'm so glad your HR department has some brains at least!

mia said...

so glad to hear you are getting some support from HR. hugs & hang in there...

roye said...
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